
India: Odisha iron ore fines index remains stable ahead of OMC’s Jan auction

Iron ore prices in Odisha remained largely stable this week with need-based procurement seen from steelmakers. Some miners concluded active deals of higher grade lumps for January sales which improved market sentiments slightly but major buyers remained cautious against aggressive procuring. BigMint’s Odisha iron ore fines (Fe 62%) index remained stable at INR 5,200/t ($60/t) […]


India: Sponge iron prices rise on moderate buying – 30 Dec

Sponge iron prices in India rose INR 100-400/tonne (t) across markets today. PDRI prices closed at INR 23,600-26,300/t, while CDRI was at INR 26,300-31,000/t. Sponge prices saw an uptick on Monday. However, following a continuous rise in prices and bookings, buyers opted for need-based purchasing. A moderate transaction volume was recorded today. Transactions for about […]


Why domestic pig iron prices seem to have bottomed out? BigMint analysis.

Indian mills have recently concluded over 10,000 tonnes (t) of pig iron purchases through auctions, which indicated a potential stabilisation in prices. BigMint understands that pig iron prices have bottomed out in the domestic market as cost considerations are likely to deter sellers from offering at lower-than-current levels while raw material prices, too, are expected […]